Saturday, April 24, 2010

Yoga does the body good!

No walking again today but I did go to Vinyasa at Yogis this morning. I really love yoga because it relaxes me and give me a good workout. We did another sun salute flow and while I was really tired when I got there, I still completed about a quarter of the salutes without modifications or resting, and when I got tired Joan showed me how to modify the poses and I did the rest of them without much resting at all! It was great because there was no way I could have done them all without modifications (I just did them on my knees when the position allowed) but it was still a good workout. It also helped my pride too :).

I was proud of myself for asking Joan for modifications in front of the class because I am still getting over that 'ego' thing, where I feel a bit self conscious when I have to ask for help. It's hard because I don't look like I have "anything wrong with me," so I feel weird when someone hears me say how I get tired or sees me sit down after just a few salutes. I almost feel like they think I am lazy, or wimpy, when that is definitely not the case. I hate that I am not over that yet and I am 24 years old! I suppose that's a lifelong battle I'll just have to work on. I think though, that no matter what or how much anyone tells you, it's hard to not care what other people think.

So now that you know my insecurity, I am curious what other people are insecure about when it comes to workouts. Also, do you have any tricks or advice for getting over it and not letting it bother you?

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