Thursday, April 15, 2010

Walkin' with my Fubby

No, that headline is not a typo. :) In anticipation for Josh and I's wedding, which is now about 64 days away, I like calling him Fusband and Fubby (future husband, future hubby. Get it?) Anyway, to the challenge.

Today I started off my April 15 efforts to complete my challenge with some good heart racing, thigh burning, sweaty, Bootylicious Buns 2! Janna and I joined Stephanie Viterino to sculpt our booties. I must say, while the goal of the 12 minute workout is to shape our booties, I certainly feel it way more in my legs than I do in my booty. Maybe I'm doing it wrong? Nevertheless, it's a good workout! I really recommend Exercise TV to anyone who wants to workout but who is either broke, nervous to go to a gym, or busy. It has great 10, 20 and 30 minute (and longer) work outs and is super fun. I do one just about every morning.

Now, on to the walk. Fubby (Josh) joined me on my walk around the WVMC track today, and it was great. We held hands and talked the whole time. It was nice because I think in the last 4 days we have only seen each other for a few hours. I am proud to say that today I walked two laps again before resting, and while we had to leave before I could do a fourth, I didn't have to rest long before we were up and walking a third! It felt good to have him with me and I appreciated his support. He really is the best. :)

p.s. I have pictures because it was such a beautiful day, but blogger is being temperamental and won't let me upload, check back and I'll update with pics later.

Miles walked: 3/4 (approximately)
Rests: 1, after the second lap
When: 6-6:25 pm, 25 minutes
Where: Willamette Valley Medical Center public track
Weather: Sunny, mid 60s, slight breeze
Walking partner: Fubby Josh


  1. Thanks for visiting my site. Do you live in Portland, too? I don't know anything about CMS but have you tried swimming?

  2. I just read your One Mile Challenge. You are a great motivation to me. If you get yourself out there and excercise (with CMS)I have no excuses. I hope you have a wondeful wedding and honeymoon.

  3. Hi Lisa,
    Thanks for the post. No, I live in McMinnville but try to get up to Portland often! I have tried swimming and it's actually worse - it makes it incredibly difficult to breathe, which is the worst of my side effects. I do like the water though, so it's too bad.

    And Kellie,
    It think it is so incredibly hard to motivate most people to work out. That's why I never did...until I set this goal for myself. I always thought 'what's the use? I can't walk very far anyway!' But it is totally worth it. Good luck!


  4. You are doing a great job! I found your blog while doing a Google search. I have asthma and random heart palpitations that psychologically sidelined me for quite a while. I started just walking a 1/2 mile each day to work for almost 3 months. Then I heard about the "Couch to 5K" training program from some friends and thought I'd give it a go. So far, so good! I love seeing the little advances I make every day.

    Keep up the great work! You'll definitely hit your goal! You'll be one of my inspirations to keep going!
