Friday, October 22, 2010

I needed that

Lately I've been busy and haven't made much of an effort to go walking. But this week I really felt the effects of it. I sit a lot during the day and have found myself feeling really restless all week. I have no lack of work, I've just felt so antsy. So today I decided to go for a walk and get out of the office during my lunch break.

And wow, did I need it. I immediately felt better. Breathing the cool, crisp fall air, stepping on and crunching the leaves on the ground, and moving my legs was refreshing. Usually I surf the web and check my hotmail e-mail, read my blog feed or check Groupon during lunch. But I am going to really make it a priority to get out and walk the days I can. Even when it's raining and cold. After all, I sit at my computer all day, so is it really a lunch "break" if I stay on the computer?

Can you imagine a better "pick me up" than Glee tunes?!
So today, instead of a Yahoo search and blog reading, my lunch consisted of listening to Glee tunes (and trying SUPER hard not to sing out loud) and collecting crunchy fall leaves for some fall decorations I'm making for the apartment (you'll have to read my other blog for a post about that!).

 Such pretty leaves!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Six Month Mark

Today marks three milestones: The first being I am in in the sixth month of my challenge, the second being my half birthday and the third is that we're double digits (99 days) away from our cruise!

So far I think my challenge has been going really well. I haven't been able hit the one mile goal I originally started with, but I'm not super concerned by that fact.

If you've been reading over the last month, I've done far more biking than I have walking, and I think it's been a good change. Biking definitely uses different muscles than walking, and I am sure it's only strengthening my legs even more.

Now that I'm 6 months into the challenge and 3 months away from the cruise, I am going to really kick the walking up a notch. I'm going to walk as much as I've been biking, and that has averaged 4 out of 7 days a week. So if you're ever up for a walk and don't mind stopping along the way, let me know. I need to get as much outside walking as I can while the rain holds off, and having a walking buddy always motivates me even more.

This weekend Josh and I are going to spend the weekend at the coast with Ben and Sarah Farley. I hear the weather is supposed to be in the 60s and 70s so hopefully it's true and I can get lots of beach walks in.

I'll post pictures from any walks we take :)

Happy October!