Sunday, May 2, 2010

Walk Like a Chicken

Today was the Crop Walk and it was really fun! I was actually nervous for it because I didn't have a buddy who I knew would walk with me and rest when I had to. Well, I shouldn't have worried! Autumn and Amy Spence were there from church, and I just adore Autumn (Amy's daughter). She is the cutest, funniest and spunkiest kid you'll meet, and she got permission from Amy to walk with me. She was a great sport and rested with me when I needed to. We walked with our church group at first, but then as I got tired, we took some shortcuts to meet up with the group again.

I told Autumn all about my condition, and that my legs look funny when I get tired. So every time I started to get tired, she'd notice and comment. She even exclaimed once "when you are tired, you walk like a chicken." It was hilarious, and I told her that one of my friends used to call me Clidesdale Kelly, because of the way my gait changes when I get tired. So she of course thought that was funny and told me I was walking like a horse (Amy, if you ever read this, don't worry--it doesn't bother me at all!).

Amy joined us after awhile and we continued on our way. In the end, we walked about 1.28 miles of the 2 mile course. I really appreciate Amy and Autumn staying with me. It was a lot of fun and I got to hang out with two of the coolest girls I know!

Once we returned to the start, we got to paint our feet and put them on a big canvas sign with Crop Walk 2010. It was great and I can't wait to do it next year. Maybe then I will be able to walk the whole 2 mile course!

(I can't figure out how to flip this picture!)

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