Sunday, May 16, 2010

Fun Exercise

The last two days have been full of exercise that has felt, well, fun! I am seriously loving this weather, and am so happy to be able to get out in it and do some exercising, although it might not be intentional. Yesterday I started the day off with some Vinyasa yoga at Yogis Studio with Joan. It was a great class that focused on balance, which was great for me. I seriously love yoga and think it will be a key factor in how quickly I reach my goal. Then, after yoga I went to the Alien Daze parade in downtown McMinnville with Janna, Kacie and Lizzie. I had no idea just how popular it is -- we had to park at least 6 blocks from Third Street where the parade was because there were so many people! Then, we walked up and down Third Street after the parade, window shopping, and wine tasting (not Kacie), and by the time the day was over, I had walked 5,547 steps, which equated to about one mile.

Then, today, I had an equally fun time at middle school youth group. I lead the youth group with about five other adults from my church, and we took advantage of the nice weather. We met at Joe Dancer park and played kickball. It was so fun, and we played continuously for about an hour and fifteen minutes. I ran bases, ran after balls and caught one too! (*stifle laugh*) and had a great time, and while I don't have any idea how far that added up to in terms of steps or distance, it doesn't matter. I got some fresh air, hung out with some fun adults and kids, and got to enjoy the beautiful weather.

I have to take this time to say how much I love living in Oregon, and yes, McMinnville. We have great opportunities to get out and do fun things around town with great people, and this weekend was a perfect example. Unfortunately I don't have any photos from the Alien parade to show you, or of our kick ball game, but I guess you can't always plan to take pictures of the best moments. They just sort of happen!

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