Monday, May 10, 2010

Benefits of a Pedometer

I really feel like I have been slacking on my challenge. I have been so busy, and the weather so crummy that walking outside just hasn't been happening. But, don't worry, I haven't forgotten about my goal!

In fact, I have still been walking a lot, even if it hasn't been on a track or for laps at a time. I have been wearing my pedometer religiously and having it has really made me aware of how many steps I take in a day.

For those of you know don't know, I spend 7 hours a day sitting at a desk in an office. I work at a computer screen or sit in meetings for most of my work day, and aside from the occasional errand, or walking to and from my car, I normally don't do a whole lot of walking (which aside from being tiring, it's not a healthy thing!).

However, having my pedometer really motivates me to get extra steps in throughout the day. I work downtown in McMinnville and as a result, there isn't a lot of parking that isn't limited to two hours. Normally I fight for a few coveted spots kitty corner to the office so I don't have to walk far, but lately I have been parking in the parking garage 2 blocks away. It's not a lot more walking, but I park on the other side of the structure and at the top of the ramp, so when I walk to and from the office I add at least a thousand steps to my day. It takes a few more minutes to get to work, but it's really beneficial.

I also try to get up and walk more around the office. I walk around when I talk on the phone (when I can) and I take walks around the block to stretch my legs. Not only does it give me some extra steps to add to my pedometer, but it also gives me fresh air, relieves the stress on my back form sitting so much, and I can focus better after I take a break.

I think a lot of people could really benefit from owning a pedometer. It especially helps those of us who have sedentary jobs. Right now I walk about 25oo steps a day, which I am sure is more than if I didn't have a pedometer. I like to see how many steps I have taken at certain points in the day, and if the number isn't as high as I want it to be, I make a more conscious effort to get up and walk.

I was talking to Janna one day about my pedometer and how much I walk. She is a teacher and I bet she walks 10,000 steps a day. So I am curious. Do any of you blog readers wear a pedometer? And if so, what's your occupation and average steps?

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