Wednesday, August 11, 2010

First Presbyterian Church Or Bust!

Drum roll please..... I made it! I accomplished my goal of walking to my meeting at church. And then some! It wasn't as far as I thought -- only .35 of a mile as opposed to 1 mile (apparently I'm bad at estimating). It was a great walk. I gave myself waaaay too much time to walk there - about 50 minutes when all I really needed was 20! I was so confident and happy about how easy it was that I walked home too! In all, I walked about .65 of a mile (if my app is accurate).

Walking with a specific destination was a new thing for me. All summer I have been focusing on the distance while basically walking in circles around a track. I was focused on how far I walked and it often took the joy out of it. But walking to church gave me a new goal, and I think one that I need to have more often -- getting myself some place and focusing on that, rather than how far it is. Sure, my challenge is technically about distance. But I realized today that it's about more than that. It's about doing something productive, something good for myself and proving to myself at the same time that I can do it. So I say, who cares how far it is to church? I still walked there and back, and I proved to myself that I can do it. 

I'd also like to note another cool thing about walking somewhere that wasn't a track. For those of you who know the area, I walked up Davis street from College Street to First Street. And oh what I saw! I have never walked on that street, only driven it. And while I notice the basics as I drove, I never see it from a walker's perspective. So to compare, here's what I normally notice on my drive to and from work. I pass two fraternity houses, a Linfield residence hall/Education building, a creek, the cutest house ever, an apartment complex and an empty rental house.

Now, here's what I noticed on my walk tonight: two fraternity houses, a Linfield residence hall/Education building, three dogs, two with four legs and one with three, a beautiful garden full of sunflowers, a creek, a bed and breakfast, a broken speaker laying in the dirt, Jim & Olive's house (or so their shutters said), some green beans growing over a fence, the cutest house ever, an apartment complex, the most perfectly manicured front lawn I have ever seen, some pretty trees and an empty rental house.

What a fun walk! I can't wait to to it again. I think my next challenge will be to walk to work one of these days. It's along the same route and probably makes it half a mile each way. I'll let you know when I am going to attempt that, mostly so it keeps me accountable. :)

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