Friday, August 27, 2010

An added bonus

For those of you who don't know, I am what you'd call "eco-conscious." I am fascinated by ways to reduce, reuse and recycle and I think it's really important that we all do our part to help to help "save" the earth.

But as much as I can practice the three R's, I haven't really been able to do one thing I think we all need to do less of: drive.

I have always been so dependent on cars because it's been difficult for me to get around without one. And to be honest, that bugs me. I hated driving across campus just to go to the library, or driving downtown or driving to Walgreens when in reality, they're all a short walk away.

So now that I have been walking to work, meetings, the grocery store and outings with friends, I feel so much better. Sure it's only an average of a mile each way, but if you think about it, that makes a difference. Instead of getting in my car and taking short, frequent trips (which actually uses up more gas than longer trips), I am walking. I don't waste gas, send more exhaust into the atmosphere and I get exercise.

It's great to finally be able to say I make an effort to walk places when driving is a heck of a lot easier and I hope this will motivate other people (ie: you) to walk somewhere instead of drive. Sure, it takes longer, but it's a lot more enjoyable and you are getting exercise.

I now feel the need to mention my wonderful mother, Leslie. She walks EVERYWHERE! That woman is always walking, whether it's to the Farmer's Market, the grocery store, the post office, the hospital (yes, she once walked there for an appointment), or my apartment, she makes a real effort to walk. Now, I'm sure she doesn't do it for earth-friendly purposes so much as she does for exercise, but I still think she deserves a medal.

So, I challenge you to rethink your transportation habits and focus on walking instead of driving. If all of you reading this decide to walk one place instead of driving, I think that would be pretty sweet. Think about it this way: if I can do it, so can you!

Happy walking :)

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