Wednesday, September 15, 2010

not so stylish...but safe!

For the first four days of my commute challenge I was riding sans bike helmet. I didn't really like the idea of riding without one, but I didn't want to further postpone riding, so I was just extra careful.

Well, I did some digging in my parents' garage and found one! It is definitely an older helmet but I'm pretty sure in the event of a head-on crash, might help me anyway. It's not the most attractive look, but then again neither is a broken skull.

oh cute right?! 

On another note, I am feeling pretty proud of myself for keeping up with my challenge. Over the last seven months it's taken different form than I expected, but I am still getting in some good exercise every day. I am up to a 43% bike commute rate, which is pretty cool. And I've driven my car so few times in the last week that I actually forgot where I parked the other day!

I'm also walking when I can. Today I had a work errand to run and instead of driving to work just for that reason, I decided to ride my bike and walk for my errand. It was only 3/4 of a mile round trip, but I am happy I chose the healthy route rather than the convenient one.

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