Saturday, January 7, 2012

A winter milestone!

Well, folks, one year ago this weekend Josh and I left for our honeymoon cruise! It's hard to believe it has already been that long since we left for the beautiful Caribbean. Unfortunately, we don't have any tropical vacations planned for 2012. *sigh.*

Anyway, because it has been one year, I thought I'd share a milestone I reached recently.

I walked .7 miles!

In reality, it's only .1 miles further than I could walk this time last year, but I am excited for the following reason:

I could walk .6 miles in warm, tropical weather (ideal weather) but I can now walk .7 miles in cold, wintery weather!
Weather has a big effect on my ability to walk long distances. The colder it is, the harder it is for me to walk. So the way I see it, that .1 mile difference is actually more significant, and for that reason it is really encouraging. Sure, I was utterly exhausted when we got to the restaurant we were walking to, and I was pretty much relying on Josh to hold me up, but it was still me pick up my feet step after step.

When I think about how well I am doing in 35 degree weather, I get really excited about what I can accomplish when the weather warms up this Spring. Who knows, maybe I'll reach my goal in 2012! But I'm not going to press it because I don't want to be disappointed if I don't make my goal in whatever time period I give myself.

So that's why I am going to celebrate each milestone, even if it is just .1 mile per year. And if it's less, that's ok too.

It's all about baby steps, right?

Happy 2012!

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