Wednesday, October 9, 2013

One thing

Over the years I've had to learn to ask for help when I need it. I have no problem asking to take someone's arm to steady myself, or asked someone to come pick me up when I can't walk any more.

But one thing I can't ever do is get up the courage to do is ask a stranger for a seat on the bus.

First, I'm not sure what to say. But I think my biggest fear is that they will ignore me, or judge me doesn't look like I need to sit.

Of course it's more likely that they would say yes without thinking twice.

I really shouldn't care what other people think, but that's easier said than done. But sometimes it's really hard to have a disability that isn't obvious. Don't get me wrong - I am thankful my form of CMS is undetectable for the most part, but sometimes I think it would be easier if everyone just "knew."

I suppose the best way to get over my fear is to just ask. What do you think? 

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